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News Archive



  • April 2023 – (1) Ali presented a headline talk at PacBio’s Discoveries Roadshow on using long-read metagenomic sequencing to study the gut microbiome in celiac disease.. (2) Matthew presented a poster at the 2023 MIT Microbiome Symposium. (3) Six students from the lab presented posters at the 2023 MGHfC Research Day (pictured below).
  • November 2022 – Siqi Du a master’s student at Harvard joins the lab. Welcome!


  • November 2022 – Siqi Du a master’s student at Harvard joins the lab. Welcome!
  • September 2022 – Jinglun Li a master’s student at Harvard School of Public Health joins the lab. Welcome!
  • July 2022 – Ali presents research from the lab in ISMB/ISCB (Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology/International Society for Computational Biology) 2022 and IHMS (International Union of Microbiological Society) 2022.
  • May 2022 – Matthew Miyasaka presents a poster in the Harvard Chan Microbiome in Public Health Center (HCMPH) symposium.
  • March 2022 – Izzy Goodchild-Michelman wins the prestigious Harvard’s Herchel Smith fellowship to continue her research in the Zomorrod lab during the summer. Way to go, Izzy!
  • February 2022 – Yilong Peng, Naneh Vartan, Talon Flodman, Carl Ma, and Mally Shan join the lab, Welcome!


  • August 2021 – Jayanth (Jay) Pratap and Sarah Bluhm join the lab as undergraduate researchers. Welcome!
  • June 2021 – Izzy presents a poster in the Boston Bacterial Meeting.
  • June 2021 – Elie Elshoa joins the lab as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome!
  • May 2021 – Izzy presents a poster in the Harvard Chan Microbiome in Public Health Center (HCMPH) symposium.
  • May 2021 – Izzy and Angela win a Harvard Microbial Science Initiative (MSI) and a Harvard PRISE fellowships, respectively, to continue their research in the lab during summer 2021. Way to go!
  • April 2021 – Izzy and Analeigha present posters in the MIT Microbiome Symposium.
  • January 2021 – Angela Li and Matthew Miyasaka join the lab as undergraduate researchers. Welcome!


  • December 2020 – Pacific BIosciences funds our two proposals on using long-read sequencing technologies to assess the breastmilk and intestinal microbiota in celiac disease. Read the full story here.
  • December 2020 – Eva Ottum wins a Frontier Fellowship (at Boston College) for conducting research in our lab. Congratulations Eva!
  • September 2020 – Izzy Goodchild-Michelman, Ivan Duran, Chloe McCreery and Eva Ottum join the lab as undergraduate researchers. Welcome!
  • June 2020 – Maya Rayle wins a Harvard’s Museum of Comparative Zoology GUR grant for the project she is working with us. Congratulations!!
  • June 2020 – Arnav Srivastava and Mahmoud Abouelkheir join the lab as an undergraduate researcher and an MGH Digestive Disease Summer Research Fellow, respectively. Welcome!
  • May 2020 – Analeigha Colarusso, Maya Rayle join the lab as undergraduate researchers, Welcome!


  • October 2019 – Giulia Ciaghi joins the Zomorrodi Lab as a computational data scientist. Welcome!
  • September 2019 – The Zomorrodi Lab officially opens