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The Zomorrodi Lab constructs computational mechanistic models of the microbiome and host to better understand the pathogenesis of human diseases and to streamline the design of personalized treatments.

We are part of the Mucosal Immunology and Biology Research Center (MIBRC) at MassGeneral Hospital for Children and Harvard Medical School

Open positions:We are currently recruiting postdoctoral and PhD candidates for an NIH funded project. Please visit the open poisitions here for more information.


Full publications list


  • July 2024 – Ali delivers a lecture on microbiome multi-omics analysis at the MGH Digestive Disease Summer Research Program.
  • June 2024 – BIG NEWS!! The NIH supports the lab’s research on the role of the gut microbiome in Celiac Disease through a 1.75M R01 award!
  • June 2024 – Harvard master’s student Rex Manglicmot joins the lab. Welcome!
  • June 2024 – Ali presents at the Festival of Genomics & Bio Data Boston 2024 on the role of probiotics in the development of the gut microbiome in pre-term infants.
  • April 2024 – Izzy and Drew present their research in the 2024 MGfC Research Day.
  • March 2024 – Harvard master’s students Ellie Zhang, Jacob Yu, Jiayi Sun and Kevin Wu, and undergraduate student Jack Tian join the lab. Welcome!
  • February 2024 – Ali wins an MGH Executive Committee on Research (ECOR) Interim Support Funding.
  • December 2023 – Ali presents at the Channing Division of Network Medicine, Brigham & Women Hospital’s Microbiome Seminars. The title of his talk is decoding the role of breast milk microbiome and probiotics in early life gut microbiome development.
  • July 2023 – Ali and Drew present a poster in the American Society for Nutrition’s annual Conference (Nutrition 2023) at Boston on investigating the role of diet in the risk of developing of Metabolic Syndrome.

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